spoken vision

About Spoken Vision.
Spoken Vision aims to provide a voice for the voiceless by installing the arts of poetry, spoken word and motivational speaking for children from socially deprived areas in order to promote mass social mobility and to inspire children to love poetry!
Our biggest aspiration is to one day amend the GCSE poetry syllabus into to make it more inclusive to the growing society we live in.
Spoken vision also offer bespoke workshops around reverse mentoring and how companies can tap into communities to increase their likability, relatability and ultimately increase profit and future recruitment to create a sustainable business model.

The Hate you give and the Pain we receive
The hate you give and the pain we receive encapsulates the pain and suffering which the wind rush generation were exposed to in their arrival to Britain. It highlights the disparities between a black and white persons interpretation of the “glorious Britain” we truly live in. That nearly nearly 70 years later The society which the Caribbean‘s help rebuild from rubble casts out citizenships of the very descendants.
Poems by spoken Vision:
Here at spoken Vision we are devoted in finding and exposing talent for the world to watch in awe, we believe that our wonderful poets should have a platform to not only express their craft but their preceptive upon the world
Heres our Top 3 poems of the month.